
How much electricity does my AC consume?

My recent post on lowering your energy consumption due to your Air Conditioning provided steps you could use to control your AC, but it didn't analyze how much energy your air conditioner uses when it is running.  We will look at calculating AC energy consumption in this post.

In order to figure out the electricity consumption of your air conditioner unit, you have to first read the label to figure out how many Amps and at what Voltage your unit consumes electricity.  You will find this on the unit's data tags.  I found this helpful page from InspectAPedia describing the information on an AC unit's data tag.

The biggest reason your AC unit consumes so much electricity is to run the compressor.  If you need to know why your AC unit has a compressor, check out HowStuffWorks on Air Conditioning.  On the data tag, you will see energy data for the compressor and the fan.

Note: We have an updated post that may provide a more accurate method of calculating your AC power consumption costs.

Chances are if you have central AC that you have outdoor units and that those outdoor units run at 208-230 Volts.  Find what Voltage your unit operates at on the tag.  This is the easy part.

Next, locate the section on the data tag for the fan.  This is just the fan that pulls air over the condenser coils and allows the heat from your home that has collected in the refrigerant fluid to escape into the surrounding outside air.  Since this fan is just moving air, it does not require much power to do so.  On my unit, the fan had an FLA (full load amp) rating of 1 Amp.

As mentioned, the big consumer of electricity on your AC unit is the compressor. This consumes much more power than the fan because it has to compress a fluid (your refrigerant) as opposed to just move air (like the fan).  The value you want to look for on the data tag is the RLA value, this is the Rated Load Amps and is the amount of current (amps) your compressor should consume if it is operating normally.  You may also have an LRA (locked rotor amps) value.  This is how many amps your compressor would consume if for some reason it jammed up and it is the maximum possible amperage draw of the compressor.  But under normal Air Conditioning, your unit will consume its RLA value.  My RLA value is 14.1 Amps.

Once you have the amperage values for your compressor and fan, add them together.  This is how many amps the unit as a whole consumes when it is running.  From there, all you need to due is multiply the total current consumption by the voltage to find the power your unit consumes in Watts.  If you've read my blog What's a kWh, you know that once you know how many Watts an item consumes, you just have to mulitply that value by the time the item is on to get total energy consumption (watts*time=power*time=energy).

So, how do you save energy by raising the temperature on your thermostat?  When you raise the temperature on the thermostat, it means the AC doesn't have to stay on as long to get the air in your house at the desired temperature.  If you look at the "energy equation" above, lowering the amount of time something is on means that you lower the total amount of energy it consumes!

Use the calculator below to figure out how much energy your AC unit consumes!  Plug in the items in yellow and the cells in green will tell you how much energy your AC uses and how much it costs you.  You will need an estimate of how much time the AC is on per day (in hours).  You will also need to know how much you pay per kWh. If you dont know that value, then you really need to read my blog more often!

***Update 8/16/10 - Something has been bugging me for the last few months about this post.  Mainly the fact that I only looked at the electricity consumption of the AC unit itself, not the entire AC system.  If you have central air conditioning, there are two parts in the system that consume electricity: the AC unit and the fan that circulates the air through your home.  Your AC system is the largest energy hog in your house.   Try using it less often. Instead, use desk fans or ceiling fans in the rooms you are in.  And finally, turn up your thermostat in the summer!

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Good starter info on AC systems and usage - would say that if people want to delve further and are novices in the electrics field, always best to call on a local <a href="" rel="nofollow">electrician in Northampton</a> for advice.
The AC uses more or less the same when heating or cooling. But there is a huge benefit to using an AC for heat, as it extracts heat from the enviroment, combines it with the energy used to run its compressor and heats the air inside. Also known as a heat-pump. Thus, you use 2/3 to 3/4 less energy than an equivalent electrical resistance heater.
Hi, My question how to find out the time the AC unit is running, cause it switches off then turn on etc...
ckmapawatt's picture
Thanks Michael. We wrote about that topic on our post<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> multi-split heat pump and hydronic heat</a>. I currently don't have a heat pump, but I will in my next house.
ckmapawatt's picture
That's the hard part. You could get a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">smart thermostat</a> that may tell you or a home energy monitor, but other than that you would probably have to manually count the minutes it is running. This <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">calculator on air conditioner power consumption</a> helps as well.
If A/C stabilizer is on will it consume current?
Of real benefit would be electricity consumption according to mode, i.e. my friend Thomas insists that once the desired temperature is met you set it to "dry" (tear symbol) that way it would use a minimum of energy while maintaining an acceptable tempeature. Is that right? Frank
Mark, I understand your concern, but this is a good alternative for people who are not engineers or tech guys. For example, the one who told me about this info was my wife. She doesnt know about Power Factor, Inductive Load, cosine or stuff like that. Still, she had an approximate idea of how much we are paying for our appliances. The only problem is that now I am stuck explaining to her about inductive loads, power factors and how to calculate the real info!!!
This is a bogus answer... dead wrong. Kilowatts does NOT equal volts x amperes.. Watts (a unit of power) is volts x amps x cosine (theta) where theta is the angle between voltage and current... Your equation is true for light bulbs, but absolutely false or inductive loads (motors)
Mark, For most residential users, I'm assuming the power factor is going to be close to unity. You are correct in your equation, but how many residential users do you think can measure the angle between voltage and current? My goal here is to put things in basic terms so people can reduce their energy consumption. If my advice gets people to 5% of 10% of the right answer, then the goal is achieved. How would you tell people to measure how much energy their AC unit uses without having to pull out a power meter?


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