I've covered the smart grid before -  with the basic blog What is this Smart Grid thing and Smart Grid and buildings - but no resource on the web covers the Smart Grid in a vaguer, yet more entertaining way than GE.  As part of their ecomagination campaign GE has an augmented reality section of their Smart Grid site.  And what it lacks in providing information, it makes up for in coolness.

I would highly recommend the tool for parents that want to get their kids excited about clean energy (you just need a webcam).  I'm sure the only other people who will utilize this tool are energy nerds like me :)

Here's a video that is probably 45 seconds too long, has a bad actor (it's me, I can say that) and poor quality, but it does highlight GE's cool feature.  Enjoy!

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you were right about the bad acting, but cool stuff.

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