Learn how to save energy!  How would you like a free guide to energy conservation techniques?  Following the steps in this energy saving guide will save you thousands on your energy bills and make you a millionaire billionaire  little richer.  You're wasting hundreds or thousands of dollars in your home each year by not being energy efficient!  How could you?  I'll tell you how, because nobody has given you this FREE GUIDE!  Until now that is.  Read this energy saving guide now FOR FREE and thank me later.  All you have to do to get this free energy saving guide is sign up for the Mapawatt RSS feed (or to receive new blog posts by email) and sign over your first born, or at least promise that they will read the Mapawatt Blog every day for the rest of their life.

Ok...I'll stop with this ridiculous infomercial dialog.

But I figure that with all the success the very misleading Green Millionaire is having, that Mapawatt might as well take part in the action. However our goals are genuinely to help people, not scam them out of their hard earned money.  So I really am giving away the energy saving guide for free...but mainly because I didn't come up with it, Southface did.

The guide is titled, "Home Energy Projects: An Energy Conservation Guide for Do-It-Yourselfers" and is 82 pages of well-written instructions and illustrations explaining how you can save energy in your home.  It is broken up into 5 sections:

Chapter 1: Home Energy Project Checklist - a quick method for selecting energy conservation measures to install.

Chapter 2: The Basics - explains some of the theory of energy conservation and describes basic energy conservation practices.

Chapter 3: Getting the Job Done Correctly - discusses contracting, scheduling, tools and safety measures for doing the job right.

Chapter 4: Energy Conservation Measures - describes in detail how to implement twenty-five energy conservation measures.

Chapter 5: Replacement Measures - describes options available for replacing windows, doors, heating and cooling systems, fireplaces, etc.

The first few sections provide a great overview to saving energy in the home, and my favorite section is probably the first project: Low Cost, No-Cost measures.  The latter part of the guide may be a little more hands on than lazy environmentalists would like, but it's a great place to start figuring out how to save money and energy in your home.  Many of the Replacement Measures are geared towards older homes that may not be built up to current codes, but if you have a newer home review them to make sure your builder didn't overlook anything.

The best part about the energy saving guide is that you didn't have to get scammed out of any money to receive it!

Download the PDF version of Southface's homeenergyprojects.


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I have scanned through the Guide and can say that it is the most thorough, detailed and accessible document I have ever seen on the topic of home energy efficiency. The illustrations are great and the Guide explains the theory and practice of building envelope sealing and insulation very well. I hope that all MapAWatt readers download it and follow through by doing everything they can.

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