The image below can be found on the EIA page here.
Average U.S. residential price of electricity

Average U.S. residential price of electricity

This pie chart can also be found on the link above, or you can make your own from the data here.

U.S. Generation by Fuel Source

U.S. Generation by Fuel Source

The graphic below comes from EIA page, "Net Generation by Energy Source: Total (All Sectors)". This is the same data presented above, but I didn't like how they lumped "Other Renewables" together so I created my own table.  I didnt do a pie chart because any values under 1% wouldnt show up.  The great part about EIA is you can export the data into Excel and create your own graphs and figures.  Solar is at the very bottom of the list, even though this includes both PV and Thermal Generation.

Electric Generation Ranked

Electric Generation Ranked

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