We're finally able to open our windows in the evenings to stay cool, so I know home heating season is right around the corner! Traditional sources of heating homes rely heavily on fossil fuels: heating oil and natural gas. But there are other options! We've covered many of these on Mapawatt, including:
Solar thermal with radiant floor heating
Energysavers.gov also has a great list of home heating options.
In January I wrote a post on comparing heating fuel costs which compares heating with natural gas vs. electricity, but can also compare oil prices to other sources of heat.
In my home, we heat with natural gas. Even though I would love to not have to use a fossil fuel, natural gas is a very efficient source of heat. If I were going to spend money on a more renewable source of energy, I probably wouldn't focus on my heating system; I would focus on reducing my electricity consumption. Mainly because my power grid is heavily powered by coal power and I can see the pollution coming out of the smoke stack a mile from my home. Also, natural gas is relatively cheap right now. If I didn't have a well insulated attic I would certainly do that because it would help save me money in the winter AND the summer.
In any case, start thinking about how you can heat your home more efficiently this winter before the cold gets here!
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