The American Solar Energy Society had a great article in their March 2009 issue regarding how homeowners make their energy conservation and efficiency decisions. Do residents really pick the low-hanging fruit that delivers the most bang for the buck?
The article really stresses the need for the public to be educated on how they tackle saving energy. It also points out that while the main incentive for homeowners is cost savings on heating/cooling costs, other advantages to tackling home conservation/efficiency include:
- reducing the negative effects on the environment
- increasing home comfort
- increased resale value
In regards to resale value, the article states:
When deciding what energy improvements to make to an existing house, homeowners need to take into account increased resale value — often cited as up to $20 for every $1 reduction in annual utility costs.
Whether this monetary value is accurate or not, I dont think anyone could argue that efficiency improvements you make to your home wont increase the resale value (unless your rip out your furnace and decide to just build a big fire pit -sustainably harvestsed firewood only- in the living room).
The Mapawatt blog is all about making smart, educated decisions that not only save money, energy and water immediately, but also for the long term. This article is a great demonstration of what this blog is about!
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